Information for Guardians

Sea scouts is for young people aged 10½ to 14.  We have all the usual scouting adventures but specialize in water activities.  Our leaders have various qualifications from the British Canoe Union and Royal Yachting Association and we are lucky to have lots of sailing and pulling boats as well as some kayaks and canoes

This page is designed to give parent's and guardians relevant information about how best to support their scout whilst at 2nd Fareham. We hope you find the information you are looking for. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help these pages be more helpful to you and other visitors to this site. Thank you.

To help parents and guardians understand what is expected at Scouts, we have produced a Welcome To 2nd Fareham. This information booklet is packed with hints and tips explaining from 'What is Scouting?' to information about each section of our scout troop. Please click on this link to download the information pack.

When joining Scouts, the scout has to take the Scout Promise. To read what the promise is please click on this link. If you do have any questions about the 'Promise' then please see the respective section leader and they will be happy to help and explain what the promise means.

You may also find the following information useful in supporting your scout or to help raise funds for the group.