
Who are we?

Beaver Scouts are the youngest members of the Scouting family and are boys and girls from 6 to 8 years old (they can be slightly younger or older).  The activities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going out on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends. 

We enjoy fun and friends but sometimes do things like camping and even go out in the boats; just like the Cubs and Sea Scouts!

The perfect introduction to Beaver Scouts is a delightful, illustrated  book. Guided by the five Beaver Scout characters, the young Beaver Scout will discover their Promise, the sort of activities they will try and games they will play, nights away and lots more.  

There is a range of badges and awards available to young people in the Beaver Scout Section.

Beaver Activity Badges

Many of the badges available are activity badges, which allow Beaver Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests.

Where do my Badges go?

Please click on the link below for help in placing the badges on the Beaver Scout uniform.

    - Beaver Scout Uniform