Sea Scouts

Sea Scouts (Ages 10.5 - 14)

Sea Scouting has the same Purpose and Values as any other Scout Troop, and delivers the same Programme, but with a nautical twist.

Sea Scouts involves many aspects of naval and nautical traditions incorporated into their meetings but they regularly get involved in a wide range of water activities from canoeing, sailing, windsurfing, pulling (rowing) and narrow boating to power boating and offshore sailing. Sea Scouts also find time for many of the traditional scouting activities, such as camping and hiking, and other activities within the Scouting Programme.

Sea Scouting is available to young people from the age of 10½ to 14 years old.

There is a range of badges and awards available to young people in the Scout Section.

Activity badges

Many of the badges available are activity badges, which allow Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests.

Challenge awards

Gaining a challenge badge involves accomplishing a number of more ambitious tasks within the Troop or community. There are several challenge badges across a number of themes, from the physical and outdoorsy to challenges dealing with the local community or issues connected with the Scouting world.

Core badges

In addition, there are a number of core badges, obtained upon joining or moving on from the Troop, or for time spent in the Scouting movement.

Activity packs

Some activity badges are sponsored by outside companies, and these companies often provide extra exciting resource packs to help Scouts towards gaining their badges.

Recognising achievement

You can also keep your young people motivated and recognise achievement with your own awards.